If pets could talk, would they tell you when
they’re full? They’re certainly good at letting you know when they’re hungry,
despite the lack of a spoken language that we can translate. Sometimes it seems
that if they could, our pets would just keep on eating – and you certainly
don’t want that.
There is advice on how much to feed your pet almost
anywhere you look. From the side of the bag of food, to running an online
search, everyone has an opinion. The reality is, none of those answers are
likely the right one for you and your pet, mostly because your pet is an
individual, and any firm instructions you follow for the well-being of your pet
should be provided by a professional veterinarian.
However, there are some tips, many of which can
bring up the right questions to ask your vet:
· You’ve likely seen the effects of an all junk
food diet, and many of the inexpensive pet food options are just that, junk
food. Look for “nutritionally balanced” options that are void of fillers and
byproducts. Ask your vet for the brands that they find to be the best.
Should you give your pets treats for obedience or a job well done? Consider the
ingredients of those treats, and the frequency at which they’re given, just as
you would their food.
· Measure portions, and be consistent with those
measurements. A pet will generally adjust to how much food it is given.
· Always provide a means for your pet to access
fresh water (no, an open toilet bowl doesn’t count). Fresh water means that
nothing is mixed into it, and that it is placed in a clean container.
· Staying fit requires two main ingredients, a
healthy, balanced diet, and plenty of daily exercise.
Those very same requirements go for your pets as well. If you don’t have time
to provide the proper amount of recommended exercise, consider hiring a dog walker
or pet sitter.
· Have your pet weighed during your regular vet
check-ups, and keep track of that weight. Discuss fluctuations with your vet,
and be prepared to increase or decrease the amount of food you give your pet
· Your pet is unique, just like us, what it
takes to maintain their health will change over time. Always be sure to ask
your vet how to adjust your pet’s diet where your pet’s age is concerned.